Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Things your Mom never mentioned.....

Readers beware....this is graphic in a Mom sort of way.

So, today I was thinking, just briefly.... There are a few things my Mom never mentioned before I had children. I've gotten over most of them, the one I really have a problem with is what I call the "chunk factor". No one ever mentions that when your kids get the barf-os that those chunks don't wash out of the washer....oh no, no, no. You have to wash them off of all the bedding before sticking it in the washer, otherwise you are left with washed chunks stuck to the side of your washer. They aren't going to magically pick themselves off the carpet and they don't care if it is 1 or 2a.m. One way or another it is up to you to hand pick or wash off those nasty chunks.......
I guess some things are beyond words.....


the Cardon Clan said...

I've learned that lesson. Once I threw Addison's bedding in the washer after a night of her being sick and when I went to switch the sheets to the dryer, the sheets were all twisted and wadded up. As I untwisted them, all the chunks were still there. It was disgusting!!!

Kathy Habel said...

Boy can I relate. Kylie spent last night puking.

Shanna said...

I think that they didnt tell us on purpose. Pay back for all the times that we did it to them!! You totally make me laugh...

Claire said...

Thanks for the image, so true. Sorry you have the barfs at your house.

Claire said...

Hey Heidi, We are going to Mesa tonight until the end of next week. If you are around we should get together.