Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Fun Times!

Over Thanksgiving the Jackson five headed to California and hit Disney and Legoland. It was quite an adventure staying in the sweet digs of a roach motel. The kids could have cared less, I have to say that I did. I had sheets spread out over the floor because the carpet was SCARY. Nonetheless, memories were made and we had a fab-o time.

So, the advantages of a tall family are everyone gets to ride the rides. Makenzie would sometimes get an unsure expression on her face but said "That fun mommy." Brooke was her usual thrill seeker self.

I tried to get a cute Christmas card picture this year, but didn't get around to it. We did have a great Christmas in AZ.

Brooke likes to do her own hair now. It usually ends up 80's style. Hey you never know, it may come back some day. 80's aerobic instructor???


Kathy Habel said...

Actually I think those 80's hair styles are coming back in at least they are here is So. UT. Glad you had fun in CA.

j. and a. jerman said...

We stayed in a CA roach motel once and I think beat your roach motel. We had glow in the dark stars on the ceiling!

Kara said...

I can't beleive Mackenzi was big enough to ride all the rides. We took the kids thanksgiving 07 and Layne was so scared on the tower of terror. She is a brave little girl or maybe she just trusts her parents more.

jackson family said...

so jealous! My kids hate the rides but if they are tall enough I make them ride them...tehn I get my money's worth...right!
looks like you hada lot of fun!

Jodi Pilling said...

Cute pictures Heidi! Your kids are getting SO BIG!

Ashley H. said...

I totally agree with you on the tall thing. I was always able to ride the rides when I was really young because I was tall. It was awesome! I think it makes you less scared in life to learn at such an early age, right?-haha

Emily said...

Ooohhh, nothing like a good roach motel! Brek and I ended up in one once...a sweet deal that Wade had found for us. Little did we know what we were getting into. That was the last time we let Wade pick our hotel!