Thursday, July 10, 2008

Oh Canada!

Brooke was always climbing on everything and the first one up the trails. She wanted to be in front.

Our trip to Canada and Montana was AMAZING!!! We took the kids on several hikes up in Waterton. While we were up there we acquired a new member to our family. Yessss, I know, why do I do these things to myself. I couldn't say no. No, I am not prego!!! We bought a zuchon puppy. We ended up getting a "girl" dog and Spencer says "Mom, I know she is a girl dog and I wanted a boy dog, but I love her anyway." Here are the pics from our trip!! Who is coming with us next year???

We had Rylan with us on the hikes. This is on our way out of Rowe Lakes.

This is on our way into Rowe Lakes. There was a lot of snow once we got higher up. We hiked through snow for quite a while.

Spencer trying to show me how much bigger his muscles have gotten...

This is on our way into Bertha Lake. It was sooo beautiful! We could not have had a better day. Makenzie's little legs didn't last too long. The rest of the kids did pretty good all the way there and we got them home with the bribe of ice cream.

We had a great week in Canada and Montana, Lake Blane for some water skiing and inland surfing.

Kyle was the best at it!

So, here she is. Daisy. She is just a tiny little thing and won't get much larger. The kids love her to death. She gets dressed up and pushed around in strollers and taken everywhere.


Claire said...

So beautiful. Congrats on the new addition to the family. Let me know if this one is easier to train then the other kind we have.

carlee said...

Beautiful! all of you and all of that place! I would love to make it up there someday. Way to go on the surfing Kyle dude! And Daisy, wow, you got me beat on that one! I don't think I'm that nice of a mom yet. loves ya

the Cardon Clan said...

Heidi, those pictures are amazing. I am definitely feeling the hiking urge. I haven't done any good hiking since before we lived in PA. It is one of my favorite things to do! We need to get together this summer and do some hiking. I need to toughen my kids up a bit.

Jared and Taralie said...

What a fun vacation! You guys always do the funnest things. You all look great and can I say I love that picture of Brook at the top. She just looks like a little child model:)

Janell said...

Wow! What a great trip! The outdoors are the best. I just can't get over how big your kids are getting. So, only 1 year left. I can't believe you're almost done! You're my inspiration!

Miss you