So, this last week was crazy. We arrived home Mon. night from Canada & Montana, changed our clothes, went to the annual Ortho dinner at the golf course...yummy food! The next day I am at Trader Joes. This is one of those energetic days where you get up and get your kids dressed all cute and their hair all done. So, I was feeling pretty good about myself as a Mom. We are heading down the aisle of sauces and stuff and Brooke says "Mommy, look at me and my new hat." She had one of the plastic produce bags on top of her head like a hat. I say "You are hilarious Brooke." Next thing I know this girl approx. 25yrs old, long beautiful hair, dressed to the hilt, high heels, with her chanel purse with matching chanel glasses and earrings walks by me and says "Your daughter has a plastic bag on top of her head. If I was you I would do a much better job at watching my children." O.k. so now I am in total shock that this girl just ripped into me. Brooke is standing in front of my cart with the bag still on top of her head. I say "I know she has a plastic bag on her head." Before I could say anything else she goes off on how I could know that and not be freaking out and what a terrible mother would ever allow her daughter to do such a thing. Everyone in the produce section is staring at us. So, at this point I'm feeling the flush in the facial area because I think the bad mother card is not quite the card you want to pull with a mother. So, calmly (very proud of myself) I say "Yeap, you are right, I should stop letting her do that all the time at home and I was just going to stand here with my 4yr old 3ft from me and allow her to suffocate or possibly hang her self with a produce bag. That is exactly what I was going to do....... You don't have any kids do you?" She says "No, but if I did I would certainly not allow my children to put a produce bag on their head, I mean what kind of a mother would allow that." This is the point where I knew I needed to walk away. So, I cooled off and finished my shopping, headed out to my car, loaded Spence, Brooke, and Makenzie in, turn around to get into my side....and there she is in her brand new black hummer glaring at me. My heck!!! Are there seriously people out there like this??? Maybe I will leave my kids at home next time.
some people have no idea! yay for you for standing up for yourself I prob would hav ejust kept walking and mumbled under my breath while kaylee repeated and asked me what I was talking about.
It was a good mom day!
Let her have it! I can't stand those idiots who don't have kids but think they know how to raise them. Some people.
Reading this made my blood boil! I've had people tell me not to let my kids play with the sack - and it's not even on there head...yet. Heidi, you are a great mother! Way to give it to her!
AZ has Trader Joes?! Neither CO or OK has one. I-a lov-a that store. On different occasions they gave my kids free bananas, fruit leather, and balloons! I'm big on customer service and They have the best prices for Healthy eating!
I am in shock! The nerve of some people. Don't let it get you down. What goes around always comes around! I wish people could just mind their own business. I KNOW you are a great mother. That's why you have such great kids! I'm so sorry that happened to you. But hey, at least you all looked great!! haha
What the heck! Seriously? Some people should just keep their mouth shut!
that deserves an "F" her card...
Oh my crud! Heidi you better have rocked her world with a death look. That lady will be so sorry when she has children! Love that you told her off. It has been forever since I have blogged looky look. You look fabulous and congrats on the anniversary, could Kyle get any cuter? That was sweet. I would love to see you soon, I will be in AZ in a few weeks. I can't wait to talk to you again! love you lots
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