So, we have officially made the commitments and are moving to Helena, Montana. It is going to be a HUGE life change... Life is different in Montana.... The kids will definitely have a different sort of childhood there. We are excited for this new adventure. Sometimes I wonder what the heck we are doing but nothing ventured nothing gained right!!!
Kyle has leased a building while he builds his own building and we are good to go! Jackson Orthodontics is the name and it just so happens that one of the main roads in Helena is Jackson Creek Road and there really is a Jackson creek there..... sort of ironic I guess...
We will be living in a small town 5 minutes outside of Helena called Montana City where there is a small school that kids go to until grade 9. It is a darling little school nestled up by the mountains and by a river.
I'm so excited for Kyle starting up on his own.... it is a leap of faith and he has had no hesitation at all. It is hard to believe that we are really to our goal. He is excited to be his own boss and to make his own way. I'll let you know more details as we get them....
PS The picture above is of some property we are looking at to build on. It is 10 acres and 2 minutes from town. We were driving around and there was a lot of little kids riding on their little quads everywhere. Our kids were with us and thought it was the coolest thing ever.....
Wow Heids, that is so awesome!! I am so happy for you guys! Congrats on the beginning of an incredible journey! Montana looks amazing! Tell Kyle we said congrats on his graduation! Good luck with your move!
Miss you guys!
So pretty! you guys are the perfect fit for a place like montana. We are going to miss you so much but I know you will do awesome and Kyle is going to love and hate being the boss.
I am so excited for you guys!! I will have to stop in and see!
aww. We are going to miss you guys. It will be exciting to be in a new place with wide open spaces. You will have plenty of room for a garden and things will actually grow! Best of luck, I will be checking in, so keep updating.
What a change. I'm sure you will love it.
Wow Heidi! How exciting! I bet you guys will love it up there. We will definitely have to visit sometime!
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