Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween 2008

Boy am I glad Halloween is over!!! We had a blast with the kids this year, but I couldn't stop eating all those little naughty Snickers, Reeses, Mars, & Hershey bars....and I thought I was over the whole chocolate addiction.

My cute little ones. Spencer had to be a skeleton pirate this year.

Our good friends Karl and Vanessa...what you can't see is Karl's rockin fannie pack! I was talking to a friend at the ward party and Kyle was over talking with the missionaries and she turns to me and says "Where did the missionaries pick up that investigator?" I said "Oh, that is Kyle."......she would not believe me until I took her over there.

We decided all his get up was missing was Kyle's wig.....Karl you are one HOT number!!!!


Kathy Habel said...

Boy your kids are growing up. Love the make up job on Spencer.

j. and a. jerman said...

Hilarious you guys! Luff it! The kids are adorable too! James and I dressed up with our kids this year too. When I get the pic from my friend I'll show you. You guys look great!

just me (Angie) said...

You guys look awsome, your kids look so adorable, I miss spending Halloween with you.

the Cardon Clan said...

That is so funny that two our our kids had the exact same costumes. Marshall's and Party City? I'm honored to have the same taste as you =) Oh, and I will always love Kyle's nasty wig. That is the best!

Michelle & Steve said...

Great Halloween photos. Love the costumes. It it always fun to check out your blog and get caught up on you guys - hopefully someday we'll get to catch up in person!

Claire said...

Great halloween pictures Heidi, especially the bee, too cute!

Emily said...

Hey you! Cute new blog. And your kids look so darling! You and your kids cute Halloween hair! Remember Makenzie's hair last year? The two braids sticking up on top of her head? You are awesome!