Sunday, September 21, 2008

September 08

So, lately it has just been more of the craziness that has become our lives. Kyle had the Tweed conference in Tucson for 10 days. Students from Romania and France were there. He said it was interesting to hear about their dental/ortho experience. He was definitely done with bending wire after all that time. We have been looking at land and office shells etc. Just trying to decide what the heck we are going to do with our lives. Where should we live? ahhh It is the hardest decision when you can really go anywhere. I can't believe we have less than a year left to go! Kyle is loving it, but the money part is not so great. Oh well, all a part of the journey. We just keep counting our blessings that we didn't have to wait a year or two to get in somewhere. We could not have gone to a better place. Ortho was the right choice for him. I can't believe how much really goes into it. Anyway, he loves it, which is great for everyone!

We have been camping again. The fun must counter the sleep deprivation because we keep doing it. This time we took our cousin Rylan. The kids rode their scooters around all over the place.

Makenzie loves salsa. Hot salsa. I have never seen anything like it. She will sort of wimper and say "hot", but then she goes back for more. Anyway, here she is on our camping trip diving in and then guzzling water. I had a good laugh over it. It reminded me of when my brothers and I used to take our cat and hand feed it horseradish and other spicy foods and it would still come back for more. I was just glad that it was finally the cat and not me they were doing it to. 5 older brothers out number you fast!

Kyle turned 30 this last month and the kids were so excited for him to open their presents.

Brookie on her way to dance. She loves it and I love watching her. She is definitely not shy. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. Where did my little blue-eyed baby girl go?


Janell said...

Thanks so much for the update! I really miss you. You are so it on phone tag. I can't imagine how busy you must be so call me when you get a chance. Your kids are so grown up, it's scary!

We just went camping for the 1st time in almost 4 years. I totally forgot how much work it is and how little sleep you get. You're right though, totally worth it!



Emily said...

I can't believe how grown up Brooke looks in her little dance outfit. What a doll! Sorry I missed your call tonight...I was on the other line with Cory (who talks, and talks!) Then the night got CRAZY! I will call you tomorrow!

Kathy Habel said...

Camping again... Better not tell my kids they'll insist we need to go!

Sarah said...

Camping is a lot of work with no sleep but the fun the kids have definitely out weighs it! Mckenzie is so cute, my boys do the same thing they can't get enough of salsa.

just me (Angie) said...

Brooke is so cute in her little dance clothes, and Makenzie is getting so big, I hardly recognized her. Hallie asked me " who is that girl next to Brooke?" we miss you guys and we miss being able to just hang out anytime.