Monday, July 28, 2008

"I don't want to be a Mom!"

So, this made me laugh today. Brooke was sitting on my lap and I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. Our conversation goes like this....

Brooke: "I want to be a bus driver."

Brooke: "No I want to be a fire fighter."

Me: "What about being a Mom, do you want to be a Mom like me?"

Brooke: "You mean someone who has a baby."

Me: "Yeah, someone who has a baby."

Brooke: "Noooooo way!!! I don't want to be a Mom, I want to be a Daddy!"

Me: "Why would you want to be a Dad and not a Mom?"

Brooke: "Because Mom's have to clean up poop."

Me: "And Dad's don't have to?"

Brooke: "Yeah, Dad's don't have to do that or clean."

I'm sure all of you Mom's out there will get a laugh out of this one. I did too.


The Skinners said...

Hey your blog is funny too. Kids say the funniest things. Its so true that moms do most of the dirty work... at least at my house its the same way!

Claire said...

Boy does she have it correct. Smart girl!

Sarah said...

That is hilarious, I want to be a Dad too. You have one smart girl.