Click on this link...
These are photos that are on display at the Mesa Temple visitors center.
This brought back so many memories of my time at BYU Jerusalem. The way that the Sea of Galilee was, the way the landscape looked. It was such an amazing experience. When I was there, my strongest hope was that everyone I know and love could have the same experience. To see what I saw and feel what I felt in those sacred places. These pictures brought back a lot of that for me. I hope you enjoy them. It helps to remind us that this is not just some story written down on paper. These pictures are depictions of actual events that took place....the Savior is real. What He did for us is not a dream...a actually happened. Mark Mabry did these pictures and I hope you can feel the same spirit I felt by seeing them. Enjoy!!
Wholesome Sugar-Free Cookbook
13 years ago
I love that video...and that song! I can't get through it without crying. I remember when you came back from Jerusalem. I knew you had been through something great! How neat that you had that opportunity. Thanks for your thoughts.
Your long lost Provo and PA friend,
That was a great slideshow. I'm glad you posted the link.
It also looks like you guys had a great time in Hawaii! It's so fun to see your blog and be able to keep up with what's going on with you!
I absolutely love that, and that song, you have inspired me, now I have made my decision it was between that song and another one that I was going to sing in church on my last sunday here and I have finally made my decision. I miss you and can't wait until april.
That was an awesome video. Those pictures are amazing. Thanks for sharing it! And I'm glad you guys had fun in Hawaii! Those Hawaii chocolates are to die for. I love the ones with caramel and nuts. Mmmm...
Hey..... long time no see! You guys have to go to loren and claires Fri night! HAVE TO! I missed you while you were gone. I can't beleive how our families have changed and I can't beleive you guys have been in AZ and I didn't know. Okay girlie.... I want to keep in touch. Check out our blog! Hope to see you soon.
By the way... Hawaii with no kids.... I'm totally jelouse.
I love that video I am glad I got to see it, we never made it over to the visitor center to see it there.
Hey you have a cute blog and your Hawaii trip looked like so much fun.
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