Sunday, March 9, 2008


So, you would think that Spencer, being the only boy, just might miss out on some of the things that brothers would do. Well, he is lucky to have Brooke for his sister. She wants to be in on all the boy stuff. Star Wars games with their marshmallow guns and even the wrestling. I can't get them to stop wrestling. Actually, it is the cause of much laughter lately.

We live right by Usery Pass and use it all the time. We have been mountain biking a lot lately for our dates. That and going to the Suns games. We are really enjoying the "no winter" thing. Every day is a perfect sunny day. The kids play outside and that just always makes life better.

Kyle is already almost done his first year in Ortho. It has been such a great opportunity for us. He could not love it more than he does which makes all of us happy. We are looking for places to go right now. It will be exciting to finally be taking that step next year. I have just been busy doing what I'm always doing. I miss my friends in PA a ton!! I'm still trying to lose that last 7lbs!! I miss my personal workout team, Angie, Sheree, Carlee, where are you when I need you!!??

So, here are some recent pics of the kids.

Brooke is turning 4 this week! I can't believe it!

Spencer is always laughing and saying the words "hilarious Mom". He is always finding something crazy to try or some way to make Brooke and Makenzie laugh.

Makenzie just had to wear this hat everywhere for some reason. She is the best kid. She is always trying to keep up with Spence and Brooke and has earned the nickname Speedy at our house. She runs everywhere and she is fast!!


Claire said...

Hey Heidi,
Your kids all look great. We really need to get together when we get back to Mesa. hope things are going well for you.

ness said...

so jealous right now. i'm missing that az weather. i guess i hijacked your workout team since i'll be doing bootcamp with them starting march 24th. you will be missed. can't wait to see you in may! oh, and the kids are so cute. i'll be coming april 19-28 so we'll definitely want to schedule a play date!

carlee said...

So flippin cute! We loved all the pics of the kiddos. Oh how we miss you too! But not much longer, some day we will be close, right? can't wait to see you. and stop complaining about the 7 lbs. you look fabulous always!

the Cardon Clan said...

Makenzie has grown up so much and she looks so adorable in that picture. What a beautiful little girl! I definitely miss working out with you too!! I loved all the pics. It is so fun to be able to stay updated with you guys.

Jared and Taralie said...

I can't believe how big your kids are getting. Makenzie looks so cute in this picture.