Maui for a whole week was AMAZING!!! I so enjoyed this time alone with my man! We seriously just had fun together like we were kids again. Kyle is the best person I know to go on vacation with because he is up for doing anything and so he makes it fun. He was in the ocean more than I was, but I had a few good laughs watching him. We came home late Sunday night and Spencer got up at 3 a.m. to come in and tell us he was glad we were back. Then 6 a.m it was back to reality. "I don't like that oatmeal Mom." "Makenzie took my pink spoon!" "I have to have the pink princess flower bowl, not the princess heart bowl!" Standing there in my pink bathrobe I say to myself...."Welcome home Heidi." and then off I was to convince my 4yr old how yummy and good for you coaches steel cut oatmeal is. Second day rolls around and Makenzie is still calling me "Grandma" by accident. She must love her Grandma's. Anyway, here are some pics from our trip. By the way, who in the heck invented chocolate macadamia nuts? they are sooo in trouble with me.

Free pina colada refills in a pineapple at the luau....ummm back to the chocolate macadamia nuts. Bit of advice.... do not overindulge on these before going to a luau, where you will spend the next 2 hrs looking at beautiful island girls in grass skirts and coconuts moving their hips in mysterious ways.

Kyle body surfing....

At the top of Haleakala crater.

Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Here I am my love.....
Who doesn't look totally hot in snorkel gear? ha ha ha
Here's my real Romeo....I think he's a keeper.

Relishing our last night on the beach.... we were ready to see our kids again. 
Sounds like a dream vacation. I love the pictures. You guys look so great and happy =)
Heidi!! I found your blog through Janell's, and I am SO glad that I did!
It is wonderful to see you and your beautiful family, and see what you are up to these days! I hope that AZ is treating you great and that life is as good as it should be to you! Take care girl, and keep up the blogging, its so fun to read.
Check out our blog at
PS You look absolutely amazing by the way! What is your secret??
Hey was so great to hear from you! I think about you all the time and need to just pick up the phone and call you. Maui without the kids??? Sounds way too good to be true. Jeff and I went to Maui a week before we moved to PA with Ethan and it was more work than fun. At this point, going anywhere on vacation without the kids sounds dreamy. Anyway, glad you guys had fun! You look great as always! I'll call you soon. Take care, Janell
Aawwww!! Luck You!! That was fun to read! Love the Pics (o: ~Amber
ARE YOU KIDDING ME! what a dream. oh, and yes, you are a model.
looks like you guys had SOOO much fun I am so jealous! thx for coming all the way out here for the blessing!
WOW! what a great place and what a good thing for you guys to do. You make me laugh. It does stink coming home to kids that forget that they missed you lots. The last picture looks like you guys just came up from making out on the sand.... ha ha! sexy!!!!!!!!
Hey Heidi! I am finally getting into the blogging thing and I found yours through Janells. I am so jealous you went to Hawaii. It looks like you had a great time. I bet it was so nice to have some alone time with hubby. I miss you guys and its fun seeing what you have been up to.
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