Monday, April 26, 2010

Out of options....

(My little "monsters" looking not so monsterish)

Today was one of those days with the kids. I found tons of junk under beds and other missing life essentials in odd places around my house. I found dirty laundry stuffed places so as to not be brought ALL the way up the stairs to the laundry room. Brooke embarrassed me with some classic "girl" behavior and I was just sick and tired of riding everyones tails today to do chores. Nothing I have tried so far works.... so out of options I pulled the Mother of the year card and did something that had them shaking in their little monster outfits.

We had a heart to heart meeting in which I told them I had failed miserably as "Mom". I wasn't teaching them to be kind... or they would be kind. I wasn't teaching them to work.... or they would know how to. I just was failing at teaching them all the life essentials, so there was only one thing for us to do. They all looked at me puzzled and asked me just what that was.

BOARDING SCHOOL..... yep... that was the place they could learn these essentials, because I wasn't doing a very good job. They asked about boarding school and I told them it was the place to go when you couldn't live with Mom and Dad anymore because Mom and Dad weren't teaching you how to be good little girls and boys. (How AWFUL am I?) Kyle even looked up and pretended to call a few places that could take kids on an emergency basis right away. I even looked distraught as I explained how sorry I was I had failed them and there was nothing left we could do. I was out of options. They started to quickly think of other options like never being unkind again and keeping their rooms clean, but I just wasn't convinced.

There were many things explained including the disciplinary procedures at boarding school, the type of food served etc. They were definitely not liking what they heard.

Well... I know I didn't earn any brownie points in heaven and I really do know I'm not earning any Mother of the year awards but my kids are all sleeping in clean bedrooms tonight. I know if they fail at all their promises I'm supposed to follow through, which is obviously not an option, but I guess for tonight I am queen of the house.... and somehow it just feels worth it.


Montana Wilkins said...

Is it wrong to feel inspired by this post? ;o) That is the funniest parenting I've heard of in a while. I especially love that Kyle just jumped right in to support you with it. Whatever works! Even if it's only for a day or two. That's two more days of peace and obedience than you might have gotten before!!!

Kathy Habel said...

Sounds like my day! I finally told my kids fine I guess I'll just stay home from Women's Conference tomorrow and clean. I packed up all the treats I had bought them for when I was gone and loaded them in my car to go with me and told them the didn't deserve treats. It was amazing how fast the downstairs got cleaned. They'd been at it for 2 hours and made had made little to no progress and were suddenly able to get it all done in 15 minutes. I'll file the boarding school away for another day!

Shanna said...

I love it!! You totally made my day.. Sometimes you just have to play whatever cards you have too. I love taht Kyle jumped up and helped you. I think you won mother of the year in my book!!

Claire said...

You are way more gentle than I am. I grab a base ball bat and scare them into submission. I am the monster. Clever and no, I don't think it was terrible.

Sarah said...

Oh those days are tough and happen far too often at my house too. I started taking a parenting class called love and logic and it is awesome and kind of changing my whole view on parenting. You can google it and find out more info.

Michelle & Steve said...

Sounds like a great plan to me. Do you think Kyle could give me the numbers of those boarding schools?

the Cardon Clan said...

Rolling with laughter.... Love it.

the Cardon Clan said...

Love it!! Still laughing over here. I've never thought of pulling the boarding school card before. I will just keep that one in my back pocket for a future day. You guys are awesome!